Colorverse Cat's Eye Nebula Glistening: Ink Review

Colorverse Cat's Eye Nebula Glistening bottle, and 4 swabs with ink on them, over a brown desk like background

Colorverse Cat's Eye Nebula Glistening is a green ink that is far from a standard green color. There is a uniqueness that starts with the underlying color and spreads to the other properties that it shows when you take a look at it on the page. Read the full review below!

Colorverse Cat's Eye Nebula Glistening writing sample on white dot grid paper

Colorverse Cat's Eye Nebula Glistening writing sample on white blank paperColorverse Cat's Eye Nebula Glistening writing sample on cream colored dot grid paper 


Ink Review 

Supplies Used:

Smear Test (Dry Time):

  • ~30 seconds – Although the color isn't very dark, and can continue to look wet because since it's a lighter color, it appears as if it is dry when it's not. Like most Colorverse Inks, this one is pretty wet and slower to dry. Allow at least 30 seconds for the ink to dry, more if there is a more saturated area.

Drip Test (Water Resistance):

  • Low – It's not recommended to use this for anything that needs to be permanent, as it will wash away easily. 


  • Low – The color doesn't come out very full-bodied one the first stroke unless using a broader/wetter pen. The second and third strokes tend to show more saturation. We'd recommend using a broad or stub nib!

Ease of Cleaning:

  • Moderate-Hard – The ink itself doesn't stain and isn't very dark, but it may take some effort to get the shimmer components completely out of your pen's cracks and crevices, especially the feed.


  •  Medium – There is moderate shading with this ink, as it can range from a faded pastel green to a deeper sage green.


  • Moderate –  The shimmer can definitely impact the flow of the ink if ignored, but it flows smoothly and even leaves some wet spots behind as you write. Results can vary depending on the pen and nib you're using.

 Packaging and Aesthetics:

  •  Comes in a 65 mL drop-shaped glass bottle and a box that has some cool space-themed designs on it.
  •  The bottle has an opening that is wide enough to fill any pen.

Colorverse Cat's Eye Nebula Glistening bottle and swabIf you're interested in similar colors, check out our Swab Shop where you can compare colors side by side.


Colorverse Cat's Eye Nebula Glistening is amazingly unique with its color and the added shimmer. There aren't many sage green inks out there, much less any with multi-color shimmer in them. The shading that can be achieved with multiple greens on the page, paired with the shimmer that shows reds, oranges, and more, really combines for an ink that hasn't been seen before! It's worth a try, especially if shimmery or unique inks are your forte. 

Colorverse Cat's Eye Nebula Glistening swab on white paper on desk background

Colorverse Cat's Eye Nebula Glistening swab on white paper on black background

Colorverse Cat's Eye Nebula Glistening swab on white paper on desk background

This color is available in a 65ml bottle as well as our 2ml sample size.